вторник, 10 октября 2017 г.

Easy Flannel Burp Cloths Tutorial

Easy Flannel Burp Cloths Tutorial


In addition to your usual sewing notions and thread, to make these burp cloths you will need:

Flannel – You can get 2 complete burp cloths out of a half yard of flannel if you’re using the same fabric for front and back. I like to use different fabrics for the front and back, so a half yard each of two fabrics will yield 4 burp cloths.

Batting – I like to use Warm & Natural cotton batting. Whatever batting you choose, you want something lightweight and low-loft for best results. You can buy specifically for this project or just use scraps. You will need a piece of batting about 8.75″ x 19″ for each burp cloth.

Pattern – You can download my pattern piece here.

Cut out one piece of flannel for the front and one for the back. The pattern is designed to be cut on the fold. You can layer up and cut out two at a time, but cutting flannel is hard on your hands – some times less is more. You will also need to cut out one piece of batting in the same fashion.



Sandwich the pieces like so – batting followed by flannel pieces right sides together on top. Pin around the edge, leaving a gap along the inside curve. We’ll use this opening to flip the burp cloths right side out once we’ve sewn the sandwich together. Sew with a .25″ seam allowance around the edge, leaving the opening at the inside curve unsewn.



Clip the seam allowance to 1/8″, leaving the seam allowance as-is around the inside curve. We’ll be turning

this allowance in to sew the opening closed. Turn the burp cloth right side out. You can press it with an iron at this stage, but I actually find that finger pressing produces fewer puckers when top-stitching than pressing with an iron.



Fold the .25″ seam allowance inside the burp cloth along the inside curve and pin. Top-stitch all around the burp cloth using an 1/8″ seam allowance.



And that’s it – doesn’t take much to make a beautiful and useful baby gift!

Original article and pictures take http://makinggoodchoices.wordpress.com/2013/08/30/easy-flannel-burp-cloths-tutorial/ site


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