вторник, 25 сентября 2018 г.

Unique and Creative Fairy Gardens

Unique and Creative Fairy Gardens


I have to admit, I’ve become a sucker for those miniature garden worlds called fairy gardens. The ability to create a scene or a memory in a garden that can be viewed close up, in detail… it’s a little bit fantasy, and part of the world of art. Both of which belong in a garden! They make it easy to be creative, even if your space is limited. (Or too large, for that matter). They make great gifts when done in containers and can be brought indoors at least part of the year. And here’s the thing… fairy gardens don’t always necessarily have fairies in them… Sometimes called mini gardens, they are “fairy sized”… Populating them with actual fairies is entirely a matter of taste! If you think

you’ve seen it all at your local nursery though, we bet we can surprise you with at least one of these unique and creative fairy gardens. These are sure to inspire you, and some DIY tutorials are here to boot. Our feature photos above and below, are from ‘Lush Little Landscapes‘. This should be your first stop if you want to learn about making really unique fairy, or miniature gardens. They have some how-to information, some project guides and lots of info on where to find supplies. Most important, as these photos attest… they are inspiring!


Make a hobbit house with bonsai! ‘Bonsai Empire’ takes you through this project step by step… If you are a “Lord of the Rings’ fan, what a story to tell in your garden.


I’d like to introduce you to Janet Calvo… She is the author of “Gardening In Miniature“, a book which I own and highly recommend if you are interested in getting into this craft. She also has a great blog, at her website ‘Two Green Thumbs‘. AND a mini gardening shop online with all kinds of unique pieces you won’t find other places. Oh, and I love that she is based in Seattle, my favorite place on earth… Wonder if she would fancy a visit? Janet? :) The next two photos are from her, and they are truly inspiring! Really, get her book! I got it in Kindle, and it’s just amazing.


Janet teaches you how to use snow in your fairy garden!


Also from Janet… Love the balloons!


Inspirational miniature garden ideas by ‘Melissa Mercier‘…


Another inspirational photo, from ‘Florence Griswold Museum‘, this Emerald City fairy house is truly unique!


Last, we have a couple of fairy gardens made from those old tree stumps you don’t know what to do with! This first one from an artist at the ‘Sequin Market‘.


This next one is very cute! From ‘The Owner Builder Network‘.

Unique and Creative Fairy Gardens

Finally, from Wendy on ‘Hometalk‘… This stump fairy garden is perfect, and can weather and age with time!


Image Credits: Lush Little Landscapes, Bonsai Empire, Janet Calvo, Janet Calvo, Melissa Mercier, Florence Griswold, Sequim Market, The Owner Builder Network, Hometalk

Original article and pictures take http://www.thegardenglove.com/unique-and-creative-fairy-gardens/ site


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