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Top 10 Best Selling Wood Crafts To Make And Sell

Top 10 Best Selling Wood Crafts To Make And Sell

10 wood project ideas

Download over 15,000 woodworking projects & professional plans from here. Build any wood project under the sun. Save time, save money and get stunning results, every time.

Picture frames.

Picture frames is a very versatile woodworking project. You can make it as simple as you like. A little bit of ingenuity allows you to create several original designs. This is one woodworking project that can never go stale, because you will never run out of ideas to make new designs and also because it is an evergreen item that will always be in demand.

Small wooden boxes.

It doesn’t really get simpler than this. Think of ideas for making small boxes that sever a purpose. There are so many things that people need small wooden boxes for.

As long as you use good wood, make the box strong and use good finishing, your project does not have to be either elaborate or complicated. A simple but popular example of our small wooden box is a chip box. I’m sure you can find dozens of other useful ideas for your woodworking box projects.


You should know that outdoors woodworking projects are extremely popular. There are many small projects you can do for the garden, portico etc. A very charming and popular woodworking project is a birdhouse.

It’s a little strange but you can charge premium prices for birdhouses and people are ready to pay for it. People who want to enjoy birds coming to the garden, attach a high value to a functional and nice looking bird-house. And who doesn’t really want pretty birds coming and chirping in their gardens. Therefore, birdhouse is one of the top-selling woodworking projects.

Blanket Chest.

I can tell you from my experience and perhaps you know this as well, a blanket chest is an item of great utility. A blanket chest is not necessarily an item to be only used in cold weather places.

Most of the households use items that need to be stored away either during the day or at night. For example, extra throw pillows need to be removed from the bed every night before sleeping. Similarly, sheets, covers, blankets that are used while sleeping need to be stored in a convenient and accessible place during the day.

A blanket chest is a utility item of everyday need in a majority of households. And that makes it one of the best sellers. Once again, the stress on making this woodworking project is on quality, endurance and finish. The design and the construction can be left simple.

Fruit Bowl.

You may be well aware of the fact that items for household are always popular. This is an example of a really simple woodworking project that sells very well. While making fruit bowls, the important thing to keep in mind is your design and finish.

Because a fruit bowl is a common item, it sells a lot. However, because of the same reason there are lots of them available. The good news is that it is not difficult to make unique wooden fruit bowls that will stand out among the competition. A little bit of ingenuity produces great results. Getting a simple lathe is recommended for this work.

Miniature Mantle Clock.

You will be very surprised at a lot of things about this project. It is very economical to make, simple, takes little time and ends up looking and selling like a premium high quality woodworking item.

Wooden Spoons and Ladles.

A very very interesting woodworking project you can undertake is to make spoons and ladles of all sizes out of wood. These items are really coming back in a big way. I sincerely feel you can attract a lot of attention and sell these items very well. People are beginning to use more wholesome utensils in the kitchens. Wooden spoons and ladles are going to be raging popular products. Getting a lathe will go a long way in making any kind of wood bowls, spoons and ladles.

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If you would like to share your own ideas about bestselling woodworking crafts go ahead and post your comments below. Thank you for reading.

","discussion":{"numPages":1,"provider":"WordPress","confidence":0.175,"diffbotUri":"discussion|3|-1393862783","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","numPosts":11,"type":"discussion","title":"Top 10 Best Selling Wood Crafts To Make And Sell","posts":[{"date":"Thu, 23 Jun 2016 17:18:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Katie Q","diffbotUri":"post|3|704494794","html":"

This is so cool. I wouldn’t thought half of these. I might try’na start looking onto DIY of these. Thanks for sharing.

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":0,"text":"This is so cool. I wouldn’t thought half of these. I might try’na start looking onto DIY of these. Thanks for sharing.","type":"post"},{"date":"Wed, 22 Jun 2016 20:36:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Andrew","diffbotUri":"post|3|-931060963","html":"

Nice site. Very interesting.

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":1,"text":"Nice site. Very interesting.","type":"post"},{"date":"Tue, 24 May 2016 03:05:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Saurabh Sharma","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1423228487","html":"

Wooden chess sets are used nowadays for decoration purpose as well as for playing. These chess sets are of very high quality. Designing the chess pieces at home is quite difficult. But they are very detailed and some can get pricey but the quality is

well worth it!

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":2,"text":"Wooden chess sets are used nowadays for decoration purpose as well as for playing. These chess sets are of very high quality. Designing the chess pieces at home is quite difficult. But they are very detailed and some can get pricey but the quality is well worth it!","type":"post"},{"date":"Wed, 04 May 2016 13:28:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Diego","diffbotUri":"post|3|893000992","html":"

I very much enjoyed this article! I have a new found appreciation for woodwork so making a little bit of profit from it wouldn’t hurt.

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":3,"text":"I very much enjoyed this article! I have a new found appreciation for woodwork so making a little bit of profit from it wouldn’t hurt.","type":"post"},{"date":"Sun, 27 Mar 2016 05:02:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Jamie","diffbotUri":"post|3|-960416279","html":"

I’ve found a really good one lately in boxes that you can sit a phone in and they basically act as a simple amplifier. Quite fun to make, and I’ve come up with loads of different designs. Amazing how well they sell.

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":4,"text":"I’ve found a really good one lately in boxes that you can sit a phone in and they basically act as a simple amplifier. Quite fun to make, and I’ve come up with loads of different designs. Amazing how well they sell.","type":"post"},{"date":"Fri, 08 Jan 2016 14:13:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"cassandra j.","diffbotUri":"post|3|1049233173","html":"

I love wood projects! I make jewelry boxes and toy boxes! Very detailed and some can get pricey but the quality is well worth it!

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":5,"text":"I love wood projects! I make jewelry boxes and toy boxes! Very detailed and some can get pricey but the quality is well worth it!","type":"post"},{"date":"Mon, 07 Sep 2015 08:27:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Stacy","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1496594459","html":"

Not all of these items sell well. It all depends on your location. Always remember the time and money you have into it and whether you can make a profit. With so much cheap merchandise flooding into america from China and other location’s it becomes harder for average Americans to make a profit.

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":6,"text":"Not all of these items sell well. It all depends on your location. Always remember the time and money you have into it and whether you can make a profit. With so much cheap merchandise flooding into america from China and other location’s it becomes harder for average Americans to make a profit.","type":"post"},{"date":"Mon, 15 Feb 2016 14:15:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Marty","diffbotUri":"post|3|541962720","html":"

How right you are. People are blinded by price not quality

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":7,"text":"How right you are. People are blinded by price not quality","type":"post","parentId":6},{"date":"Wed, 04 May 2016 13:26:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Diego","diffbotUri":"post|3|25173961","html":"

I would think of them more as “bound” instead of “blinded”. I also agree that it has become exceedingly difficult to compete with outsourcing.

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":8,"text":"I would think of them more as “bound” instead of “blinded”. I also agree that it has become exceedingly difficult to compete with outsourcing.","type":"post","parentId":7},{"date":"Wed, 29 Apr 2015 19:53:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"danielle","diffbotUri":"post|3|1902368799","html":"

I have purchased the online kit and now have no site to download from received confirmation of payment. Please respond to how i retain access. Thank u

","pageUrl":"http://www.assembleandearn.com/top-10-woodworking-items-to-make/","id":9,"text":"I have purchased the online kit and now have no site to download from received confirmation of payment. Please respond to how i retain access. Thank u","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 02 May 2015 05:43:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"assembleandearn","diffbotUri":"post|3|887174720","html":"

Hello Danielle,

Thank you for purchasing. You should have been automatically re-directed to the download page after the payment, if you did not close the browser window. Even if you did, it does not matter, you will get your login information in an email as well. You can click on the link in the email to access your downloads in the future as well.

If you cannot find the email in your main inbox, please look for it in the Junk mail folder. Gmail users might also find it in the Promotions folder. Please let us know if you still have any problems. Thank you.

Original article and pictures take http://www.assembleandearn.com/10-best-wood-project-ideas-to-sell/ site


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