суббота, 3 декабря 2016 г.

108 Free DIY Shed Plans & Ideas that You Can Actually Build in Your Backyard

108 Free DIY Shed Plans & Ideas that You Can Actually Build in Your Backyard

DIY Shed Plans

No one ever complains about having too much storage space. In contrast, most homeowners don"t have enough space to store their stuff in the house.

If it sounds like you, then you need a shed.

Sheds help us accommodate all of our ‘stuff’ and keep our properties a little more organized.

Well, if you are on the hunt for the perfect shed, look nowhere else. Today, I’m going to bring you 108 shed plans.

So, scroll on through and let the perfect shed plan find you.

The Biggest Collection of Shed Plans

​Before we start to the first free plan, I want to tell you one huge resource of shed plans. It has 12,000 plans of DIY shed in it. Each and every plan is complete with image, material list, and step-by-step instructions.

​If you"re serious about building shed, I highly recommend you to take this deal because then you won"t have to waste your time looking for lousy plans that no one can really build.

1. The Pine Garden Hutch

Pine Garden Hutch

This hutch would work great for someone needing a small amount of storage. It would work perfectly for your flower pots and planting tools.

An added bonus, is that the plans are extremely detailed, and the hutch is beautiful. So if you are someone needing to store a few pesky items, this could be the plans for you.

Dimensions (feet)

3 x 1.5


Lower = easier to build

2. The Cottage Shed

Cottage Shed

I love this shed. It is so quaint and flat out adorable.

Besides the fact that it is cute as a button, it is very functional. It has the roll garage door which means it is easy to access with large items. The plans also appear to be very detailed.

So if you are someone looking for a shed that has personality, look no further. This shed contains about all of the character a person could ever hope for.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 12


Lower = easier to build

16,000 Woodworking Plans

You should check this one out. This is a collection of 16,000 woodworking plans (no, that"s not a typo) for any kind of building or furniture, including shed.

​You don"t have to waste your time finding the right plans every time you want to build anything like cabin, greenhouse, goat house, shed, barn, bench, desk, or any other woodworking project.

3. The 2-Story Craftsman Shed

2 Story Craftsman Shed

This would be the perfect shed for a husband-wife team. The reason is because it still has the ‘manly’ cabin feel while also the character that most women dream of having on their property.

Beyond the fact that this shed is another adorable one, it is also fully functional. You have two levels of storage and also multiple easy openings. This makes for easier work when moving large objects around.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 10


Lower = easier to build

4. The Compact Shed

Compact Storage Shed

This shed is another quaint, compact option. It has a very classic feel to it.

Besides the fact that it adds a nice touch to your property, it meant to be built with many upgrades that allow for a lot of storage in a small building.

It would be perfect for storing most planting tools and yard care equipment. If you don’t have a lot of space but need a good deal of storage this could be a great option for you.

Dimensions (feet)

6 x 6


Lower = easier to build

5. 6x6 Storage Shed

6x6 Storage Shed

This is a more traditional style storage shed. It actually looks very similar to the one I have. I love these sheds because they aren’t fancy, but they do the job of protecting your belongings.

If you are someone new to building, this might be a good option. The plans look very simple, and the style of it is simpler in comparison to some other sheds you might come across.

Dimensions (feet)

6 x 6


Lower = easier to build

6. The Easy DIY Shed

Easy DIY Shed

This shed is labeled as a DIY project. Therefore, if you are someone looking to build a shed all by yourself then this might be an option worth considering.

The instructions are broken down on how to build each part of this shed. You are also given a very detailed materials list to go off of as well.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 6


Lower = easier to build

7. The Cedar Storage Shed

Cedar Storage Shed

This shed is not only a DIY project, according to Ana White, it can also be done for around $260. That sounds like a really awesome price for a storage shed.

You are given plans, a shopping list, and even extra tips on how to save more money when building it. What more could you ask for?

Dimensions (feet)

6 x 3


Lower = easier to build

8. The Mini Garden Shed

shed 8

This garden shed is smaller but is perfect for holding your outdoor gardening tools. The ultra-unique thing about this shed is that it is built out of cement siding.

It has a very classic look though its building materials are not as common. You are given detailed plans, a shopping list, and instructions. All of this should make for an easier building experience.

Dimensions (feet)

4.5 x 2.25


Lower = easier to build

9. The Gambrel Roof Storage Shed

Gambrel Roof Storage Shed

This is an almost identical shed to what I actually have on my property. It is another basic style, but I love it because it does a great job and wasn’t super expensive.

The details on this site are amazing. It breaks down the building process of this shed into seven steps. You are given ample amount of details for each step.

With all of that in mind, if you are needing an easier build and a functional building without added character this could be a great shed for your homestead.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 8


Lower = easier to build

10. The Garden Tool Shed

shed 10

Out of all of the outbuildings I have, I don’t have a garden tool shed. After looking at this one, I might have to change that.

It is a super simple design and appears to be very simple to build as well. Though it isn’t a very large shed, it would certainly serve its purpose for storing garden tools.

Dimensions (feet)

3.75 x 1.75


Lower = easier to build

11. The ‘She’ Shed

She Shed

My first thoughts when I saw this were, “Oh, I love it!”

To make it even better, the plans are not only available for this shed, but she also offers her step by step pictures of the build.

To sum this one up, if you are looking for a shed that is going to be an eye-catcher this is it. You can’t help but be taken by it.

Dimensions (feet)

12 x 12


Lower = easier to build

12. The $30 Shed

Garbage Enclosure

The person that created this shed build actually uses it to store her garbage cans in plain sight. She didn’t want to spend a small fortune on a shed for this purpose.

She gives you step by step details on how she was able to actually build this shed for only $30. Pictures are also available of the build as well.

Dimensions (feet)

6 x 3


Lower = easier to build

13. The Pallet Shed

Pallet Shed

This shed is built mainly from pallets. Recycling pallets is one of the best ways you can build something for practically nothing.

The site offers step by step pictures for how they built this shed. A unique feature to this shed is that they also built a small porch attached to it out of pallets. This is a great, inexpensive option for a storage shed with character.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 15


Lower = easier to build

14. The Lean-To Shed

shed 14

This shed is a great, smaller shed. It has the ability to be built up against a wall for extra support.

However, they also offer a modification where if you’d like the shed to be free-standing, it can be. It includes a handy materials list and easy to read plans as well.

Dimensions (feet)

4 x 6


Lower = easier to build

15. The Gable Shed

shed 15

This shed can also double as a playhouse if you ever run out of need for the storage space. I say that like people ever lose a need for storage. But in the event you are one of those people, this shed is multi-purpose.

The author of the post does a great job at breaking the build down into 8 easy steps. This makes for a less intimidating build and it also helps that great plans are laid out for you as well.

Dimensions (feet)

7 x 12


Lower = easier to build

16. The Garden Tool Shed #2

shed 16

This little shed is a very handy little building to have. What I love so much about this post is that they offer you all of the steps to the build, you are given an idea of the time it should take to build it, an estimated cost, a materials list, and even an option where you can buy this shed if you aren’t into the DIY aspect.

What more could you want when building a nifty little garden shed for your tools? It doesn’t get much better.

Dimensions (feet)

2 x 4


Lower = easier to build

17. The Attached Shed

shed 17

This is yet another great idea for a tool shed. What makes this one so unique is that it incorporates old barn doors. If you don’t have old barn doors, don’t worry. You can modify the build for different doors.

Another great thing about this shed is that you build it, paint it, attach it to your home, and you have the ultimate convenience of your tools being stored neatly right at your back door.

Dimensions (feet)

1.25 x 6.5


Lower = easier to build

18. The Ultimate Garden Shed

The Ultimate Garden Shed

Can I just go on the record as saying, “I want this garden shed.” If you all happen to run into my husband, feel free to pass that message along.

This shed has everything you’d even need or want. You have a great place to plant your flowers and ample amount of storage space as well. It has a beautiful rustic design too. To sum it up in two words: beautiful and functional.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 9.5


Lower = easier to build

Detailed Shed Plan

This is actually a very simple building, but I love the fact that this person has put in the time to figure out the best way to build it.

He actually took it one step further and gave you the ultimate plans to building this building. You not only get great plans, but you also get pictures of the actual build. He also offers a materials list that has nice little check marks so you can keep up with what you’ve done so far.

This would be a great option for a new DIY person. The building is feasible for most storage, and the person that created these plans has made it very easy for you to stay organized during the build.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 8


Lower = easier to build

20. Bonanza Mini-Barn

Barn Building

This is another gambrel roofed shed that looks a lot like a small barn. I’m partial to these buildings because this is the type of building I actually have on my property.

These plans came from the same site as the one listed above. Therefore, the plans are very detailed and easy to follow. This might seem like a large project for a new builder to take on but with the care that has gone into these plans, you should be fine.

Dimensions (feet)

16 x 24


Lower = easier to build

21. Gable Roof Organizer Storage Shed

This is another building from backroadhome.net. Yet again, they provide highly detailed plans.

Though this building looks much like the one mentioned in #19, it has a few differences. This one is bigger in size and they go into grave detail about how to make the doors much easier to build and hang.

For someone new to the DIY scene, this might be extremely helpful.

Dimensions (feet)

16 x 24


Lower = easier to build

22. Gambrel Roof Barn-Style Bonanza Shed

They only have the same picture to #20, but this is actually the smaller version. If you are looking to store more than a few garden tools this might be a great option for you.

It"s still large enough to store a lawn mower, Christmas décor, and a few other items that always seem to be lingering with no real place to put them.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

23. The ‘From Scratch’ Shed

Shed from scratch

These plans show you how to build a small shed from nothing. You buy the materials, and he’ll lead you along the process of how to take those raw materials and turn them into a fully functional building.

This building is a little smaller so it would be good to store more than lawn tools but probably not large enough to store really large items. But if you have a leaf blower, push mower, or other medium sized lawn tools this shed would be a good option.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 6


Lower ="" easier to build

24. The Yard Shed

The Yard Shed

This was another shed that made me smile as soon as I saw it. It is small yet functional and also adorable to look at.

It has sliding side doors so you can easily move larger items in and out of it. However, it also has a great sitting space out front. Who doesn’t love the idea of a sitting space after mowing the yard? After you put your lawn mower up, you have a great place to relax for a few minutes.

Dimensions (feet)

12 x 10


Lower ="" easier to build

25. The Drive-Thru Shed

shed 25

This shed could actually double as a small garage. The reason is because you can drive through it.

I love this option because it is simple yet functional. So if you need a place to store a few tools, and your car then this is it. Or if you have a tractor, tiller, or riding lawn mower this would be a great place to store them as well.

No more pulling one thing out to get to another. You can literally drive right through and pull out what you need as you need it.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 11


Lower ="" easier to build

26. The Tudor-Style Shed

shed 26

This is another shed with character. To say it is adorable is probably an understatement.

However, I’m not sure I would recommend this build to a beginner. Because of the style it has a few angle cuts due to the sloping sides.

This makes for a really neat look but a little bit more of a difficult build for the amateur DIY builder.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 7


Lower ="" easier to build

27. The Board-And-Batten Shed

shed 27

This shed is a functional shed. It is large enough in size that you could store more than a few garden tools.

I love garden tool sheds, but I always have to have another shed that can hold my other outdoor ‘stuff’ too. So if you are needing a shed a little larger to hold your medium sized items, this might be a good option for you.

Dimensions (feet)

7 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

28. The Narrow Shed

This is a very compact shed. It measures at 7ft wide and only 4ft deep.

However, if you are someone with a smaller backyard space or maybe you just don’t need a larger shed this could be a great fit for your needs.

Though it is compact, the plans are laid out for you and claim that with the right organizational system you can fit a lot into this smaller space.

Dimensions (feet)

7 x 4


Lower ="" easier to build

29. The Traditional Tool Shed

Traditional tool shed

When I think of the term ‘tool shed’ this is what I think of. It is a smaller shed, yet still big enough to walk into.

It has just the right amount of room for the tools you need for a small vegetable or flower garden. This shed would also be small enough that you could build it right next to your garden and it would never be in the way.

Dimensions (feet)

2 x 4


Lower ="" easier to build

30. The Wood Shed

Wood Shed

This shed is literally a wood shed. It isn’t where you would want to store items that need to be extremely protected from the elements.

However, if you literally needed to store wood or a few other items that could withstand the wind or rain in small amounts this would be a great option for you.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 4


Lower ="" easier to build

31. The Firewood Shed


Need a place to store your firewood? This is it.

It appears to be a very simple build. This wood shed has a great covered roof to protect your wood from getting wet.

What I love the most are the sides that help to keep your wood piles straight. That is always the scariest part of a wood pile, the threat of it falling over on you. It doesn’t seem to be much of a worry with this wood shed.

Dimensions (feet)

1.25 x 4


Lower ="" easier to build

32. The Mini Garden Shed #2

Mini Garden Shed

If you don’t have the room for a full sized shed, no worries. If you are looking for a shed that will still add a touch of style to your yard while also on a miniature level, no worries.

Why? Because this shed has both. It is a great little build that can provide all of the storage you need for small hand tools. All the while, adding a little finesse to your backyard.

Dimensions (feet)

2.25 x 1


Lower ="" easier to build

33. The Garden Closet

shed 33

I love the name of this shed. Who wouldn’t love to have a closet in their backyard? It creates a nice little space for garden clothing and tools, all while not taking up a ton of space.

Another added bonus to this garden closet is it is not very expensive to build either. It could be a great little addition to any type of home and serve as a great space to keep your garden tools organized.

Dimensions (feet)

3 x 2


Lower ="" easier to build

34. The Neighborhood Shed

shed 34

This shed reminds me of something you’d see in the quaint subdivisions on late 80’s early 90’s movies like Father of the Bride. It just fits into that setting.

So to say that this shed is going to be functional and add a touch of eye candy, would be dead on. This shed has ample amount of room to store most any of your outdoor supplies. And it can add a little charm to your home too.

Dimensions (feet)

12 x 7


Lower ="" easier to build

35. The Budget Friendly Shed

shed 35

This is another cute shed. What makes it even better is that it was created with the idea of going easy on your wallet. Does it get much better than that?

Actually, it does. They not only tell you how to save money building this shed but also provide easy to read plans too. A shed that has lots of character, is inexpensive, and has plans provided to make the build easier is an option worth considering.

Dimensions (feet)

12 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

36-45. Ten Free Shed Plans by HowToSpecialist


From firewood shed, pole barn shed, to tiny house plans, HowToSpecialist has them all. In this page, you will find 10 free storage shed plans designed in 3D Sketch Up complete with the material list.

Here"s all the plans available on this page:

  • Small Firewood Shed (3x6)
  • Large Firewood Shed (16x6)
  • Lean-to Shed (4x8)
  • Lean-to Shed (8x12)
  • Run-in Shed (12x18)
  • Storage Shed (12x20)
  • Pole Barn Shed (16x20)
  • Barn Shed (12x16)
  • Gable Shed (12x16)
  • Tiny House (8x12)

46. 10 x 12 Garden Tool And Lawn Tractor Storage Shed

Garden tool lawn tractor shed

So you have a bigger yard, and you need a place to store larger yard equipment. Well, this could very well be the shed you need. It is sharp in the looks department but is also very functional.

This shed comes with additional lofts in the top for easy storage. It is also on a concrete slab which means it will be a permanent fixture for your property. So if it is going to be there for all time, you might as well make it look good and meet your needs too.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 12


Lower = easier to build

47. 10 x 14 All Purpose Storage Shed

All Purpose Storage Shed

This shed looks very similar to the one mentioned above. It, too, is on a permanent foundation. It also has additional lofts as well for additional storage.

The plans are very detailed and with the right carpentry skills this shed could add lots of value to your property. If you need a shed for lots of different types of storage, this one might be just what you’ve been looking for.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 14


Lower = easier to build

48. The DIY Simple Tool Shed

DIY Simple tool shed

This tool shed is meant to be constructed in one day. It is simple enough that it could easily be a DIY project. This is a smaller shed meant simply to hold small garden items.

The plans are easy enough to read. Another great feature to this tool shed is that it does have shelving that would be a great place to store fertilizers and chemicals out of the reach of children and pets.

Dimensions (feet)

3.5 x 2


Lower = easier to build

49-60. Twelve Shed Plans by MyOutdoorPlans

MyOutdoorPlans has 12 free shed plans in any dimensions and functionality. Whether you"re looking for a huge 12x16 storage shed plans or a tiny 4x4 storage shed plans, you"ll find it on this website.

Here"s the list of every available shed plans from MyOutdoorPlans:

  • 4x4 Storage
  • 4x8 Storage
  • 6x6 Simple Shed
  • 8x10 Utility Shed
  • 8x10 DIY Shed
  • 12x16 Shed
  • Small Shed (6x6)
  • Saltbox Shed (8x10)
  • 10x8 Shed
  • Generator Shed (4x4)
  • Lean-To Shed (4x6)
  • Tool Shed (4x2)

61. The Garden Shed Addition

shed 61

So this is not a project for those new to DIY. As cool of a project as it is, it is extensive. It is also known for costing quite a bit of money too.

However, if none of those factors stop you then go for it. It is meant to be attached to another structure such as the outside of your house or a garage. It has a place for storage and a potting bench as well. Oh, and please do not forget the gorgeous windows.

Dimensions (feet)

13 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

62. The Shed With A Front Porch View

shed 62

I love this shed. Let me just be the first to say it. The fact that it has plenty of storage space is just a bonus.

However, I am a porch person. My home has got to have a porch of some kind and any added building to our property that could offer a porch with it, I’m sold. So if you are like me and would love to have a great place to relax and a storage shed rolled into one great package then this could be the shed you’ve been looking for.

Dimensions (feet)

16 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

63. The Outdoor Storage Locker

shed 63

If you only need a small place to store small tools and garden supplies then this could be a great project for you. It is low cost and not very time consuming.

The best thing about it is it takes up very little space and is beautiful to boot. You can buy assembly required storage lockers that cost more than this and don’t have nearly the same amount of character that this little beauty has.

Dimensions (feet)

4 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

64. The Schoolhouse Storage Shed

shed 64

Okay, let me just say this. If you have the financial means and know how to build this shed, please do!

It is the cutest shed I’ve seen in a while. I am a sucker for rustic charm so any shed that can bring out old school charm and functionality and then wrap it into one little package, again, I’m sold.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 16


Lower ="" easier to build

65. The Pallet Shed #2

I’m a sucker for pallets. Any material that I can gather for free and build something useful from, I’m all in. Not to mention I love rustic and pallets usually equate to rustic charm.

This shed is no different. He is able to take quite a few pallets and build an amazing creation. So if you are short on funds but have plenty of pallets lying around, don’t fret. You can have one amazing shed.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

66. The Build-Eazy 8 x 10 Storage Shed

shed 66

This is another traditional style storage shed. The plans come complete as a guide

and with a link where you can read what other users of the plans had to say about their build. You can also find answers to some of your questions through this link.

The shed itself, offers a window for natural light and a wide door so you can fit larger items through it. So if you are needing storage for more than a few garden tools this shed can handle it.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 10


Lower ="" easier to build

67. The DIY Gable Shed

shed 67

This gable shed is large enough to accommodate larger items. So if you are looking for a shed that could hold larger yard equipment this one is up to the challenge.

These plans are actually one out of the 100+ plans that are not free. However, for a small fee they offer you the detailed plans to this shed as an easy download. You can also get a handy shopping list that can be downloaded and easily accessible.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 10


Lower ="" easier to build

68. The NZ Wood Garden Shed

NZ Wood Garden Shed

These plans are not as easy to read as some of the others. So if you are new to the carpentry scene, you may want to seriously consider this project before you dive into these plans.

You are given detailed instructions as far as materials needed and how to build each part of the shed, but the pictures are minimal. So if you are a visual person this particular project could prove to be a little difficult.

Dimensions (feet)

13 x 13


Lower ="" easier to build

69. The Gable Storage Shed

shed 69

This is a very basic shed but would be very suitable for someone needing a middle of the road shed. You don’t particularly need a huge shed, but you need more than a small garden tool shed.

If that is you, this could be a good option. Also, if you are new to building things this might be a good option as well. The plans are very detailed and have lots of pictures to help walk you through the process.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

70. The Gambrel Storage Shed

shed 70

Let’s say you want to build a shed, but you aren’t sure you won’t need to move it sometime down the road. So this makes you a little nervous to put it on a permanent foundation. Well, no fear.

This gambrel storage shed is built on a skid foundation. That means that you can move it later on if you need to. Beyond that, it is roomy and has a bit of country charm.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

71. The Barn Style Shed

Barn Style SHed

If you are someone that loves the country style then this barn style shed might be right up your alley. It is roomy and provides that specific charm.

However, let’s take this one step further and talk about the actual plans. They are great. There are lots of pictures and details that make building this barn style shed a much easier task.

Dimensions (feet)

16 x 20


Lower ="" easier to build

72. The Cottage Style Shed

Cottage Style Shed

I smiled as soon as I saw these plans. This is an adorable shed. I know, most people probably think, “Who cares if the shed is adorable? Is it functional?”

Well, the answer is yes it is functional, and yes I am that one crazy homesteading woman that wants everything to look pretty if I can help it. If you are like me, this shed does that. It goes so far as to have a little porch area and skylights. What more could you want?

Dimensions (feet)

20 x 22


Lower ="" easier to build

73. Octagonal Shed

Octagonal Shed

I am a fan of all things octagon. The reason is that though they have awkward spaces at times because they are rounder, they withstand high winds really well.

If you live in an area where wind can often times be a problem then you might want to consider this. The plans are great and are very visual. As you can tell I’m a visual person so I consider that super important when considering what I should build next on our homestead.

Dimensions (feet)

16 x 16


Lower ="" easier to build

74. Old West Storefront Shed

Saloon Style Shed

If you want something unique, this is it. This shed is built to look like a saloon. It has a great little porch you can relax on but also offers lots of storage for whatever your needs may be.

The plans are great and break down each section for you. If you are looking for something not quite so “cute” but still packed with character, this might be just for you.

Dimensions (feet)

15 x 20


Lower ="" easier to build

75. The Super Shed

shed 75

This is a great little tool shed. It is big enough to walk into but not so big that you can store lots of large items.

If you are looking for a place that you can store your garden tools, push mower or weed eater, and your garden clothing then this is just the right size.

Dimensions (feet)

6 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

76. The Hutch Shed

Hutch Shed

I really like this shed. It has enough space in it to store larger items like bicycles or a lawn mower. This shed also has a window in the back to add some natural light.

However, what makes this building so unique is the hutch on the side of it. It is large enough to store some recycling bins or any other smaller items you might need to access regularly. It is a truly charming shed.

Dimensions (feet)

9.5 x 7


Lower ="" easier to build

77. The Colonial Shed

Colonial Shed

This shed reminds me of old colonial houses. Maybe it’s just me, but I see the connection. Either way, it is a beautiful shed with multiple doors and windows.

The doors on it are both double doors so it would be very easy to move large items in and out of this shed. Add some flowers to those beautiful front windows, and you have much more than natural light. You have a picturesque addition to your property.

Dimensions (feet)

12 x 6


Lower ="" easier to build

78. The Shed That Anyone Can Build

shed 78

If you are new to building things some of these plans shared might have been a little intimidating. Well, don’t run away before you see this one.

It is a beautiful shed with a pitched roof. There are multiple windows for natural light. You also have one large door that makes the building more functional. With the step-by-step pictures available, you’ll have this shed built in no time.

Dimensions (feet)

3 x 9


Lower ="" easier to build

79. The Potting Shed

The Potting Shed

So if I ever do away with my own shed, this would be a close match to what I would build in its place. Talk about attractive and functional, this shed is certainly both. You have a great size shed for most items that need to be stored.

However, you also have a great little lean-to attachment with a potting bench that is meant for planting. To make it even more attractive, they added a Dutch door and a few windows for natural light.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

80. The 8 x 8 Lean-To Storage Shed

This storage shed will give you ample amount of room to store all kinds of things from your sports equipment to your lawn mower. It a little more on the modern side of the design with its shape.

The really cool thing about this building is that it is mobile. It too is on a skid foundation so you can move it at any time. That is always a great feature to have on a homestead as things change quite often. You never know when you might need a building to move to make things flow better.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

81. The Two-In-One Colonial Style Shed

shed 81

This is the ultimate shed. It is beautiful to look at and is also functional in more ways than one. If you are like my family, we use a lot of wood during the winter as a supplemental heat source. Having a place to store your wood within your storage building would be an amazing thing to have on your homestead.

So if that is you, this building can offer you just that. You’ll have ample amount of room to store things and move around in your building. All the while, your wood can be stored neatly in an attached, covered room.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 12

8 x 10


Lower ="" easier to build

shed 82

I love the colonial style sheds. The reason is because they offer ample amount of space to store just about anything you think of. I also love the style they offer.

Beyond the obvious storage and good looks of this shed, it also offers two different sets of double doors. When you are trying to bring in yard equipment or haul something out, this is a fantastic feature to have in a shed.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 16


Lower ="" easier to build

83. The Basic Backyard Shed


This is not an overly complex shed. According to the plans, it can be built in a few weekends. It shouldn’t be overly expensive to build either.

Just because this shed doesn’t scream “Glamour!” doesn’t mean that it still can’t do its job. It is an 8x8 structure and therefore has ample amount of space to fulfill most storage needs.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

84. The 8 x 12 (Or Larger) Shed

shed 84

This shed is a very traditional shed. However, if you are someone that just needs functionality then you might want to save yourself the extra cash that the glitz and glam cost and go for function.

If you decide to go that route, these plans are amazing. The reason is because an 8x12 storage shed is a pretty good amount of storage space. However, if you decide that you need to scale these plans up or down they claim these plans are designed to help you do that with ease.

Dimensions (feet)

8 x 12


Lower ="" easier to build

85. The Lean-To Shed With Multiple Flooring Options

shed 85

So you like the idea of a lean-to shed, but you aren’t sure what foundation you want to use. This makes it difficult to find certain plans because so many building plans include what type of floor the lean-to has to be built on.

Well, not these plans. You have the option of building a very functional and spacious lean-to shed on different foundations. Your foundation choices are: concrete slab, a wooden floor supported by concrete piers, or a wooden floor supported by skids. That lost option also means that your lean-to could be mobile as well so you won’t have to decide where you want to permanently put it.

Dimensions (feet)

10 x 8


Lower ="" easier to build

86-108. Twenty-Three Barn Plans by University of Tennessee

University of Tennessee Shed Plans

If you are a full fledge homesteader you might be thinking storage sheds I"ve mentioned above are great but not exactly what you need to store the type of ‘stuff’ you have. No worries, we’ve saved the big boys for last.

University of Tennessee has 23 free-to-download shed plans in PDF format. The dimensions range from 12x12 to 52x60 feet. If you need a huge shed, this is your go-to website.

Original article and pictures take http://morningchores.com/shed-plans/ site


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