Hi friends!
Last week I packed away all the Fall decor and organized the basement a tiny bit, only to make a bigger mess during the weekend!
Yep, I had an organized basement for just a couple of days. During the weekend I began unpacking the Christmas bins and boxes and began bringing stuff upstairs. Now I not only have a messy basement, the whole house is complete chaos!
The bedrooms upstairs have been in complete dismay for a few months already, it always happens when one room is in renovation. The adjacent rooms have to hold stuff that doesn"t belong there, so, it doesn"t look pretty.
Anyway, this year"s Christmas decor is beginning right at the
front door.
Hmmm huh - with the project I"m sharing today: A pair of wooden planters.
Hopefully I"ll be able to finish decorating and organizing in just a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed. ;)
The inspiration for these planters came from Mound right HERE. but I made a few variations.
The materials you"ll need for one:
- 1 x 4---> 20 feet for 8-15" planks and 8-14" planks
- 2 x 2 --->8 feet for two "U" frames (4-16½" and 2-12")
- 2" screws
- 1 piece of board for bottom of planter 15" x 12½"
- drill
- jig saw
- 1 piece of ¼" thick lattice to use as a spacer in between planks
- Kreg jig (optional), you can also use regular screws to attach the 2 x 2"s
- Thompson"s WaterSeal Wood Stain - Traditional brown

Each of these planters started with two "U" frames made out of 2 x 2"s. Since I wanted little feet for my planters, the bottom of each U was brought up from each end 1¼". I used the Kreg mechanism to put together the U frames.

Once the U"s are ready you can begin attaching the 15"- 1 x 4 planks, aligning the first plank to the bottom of the "U" frame. Making pre-drills before driving the screws. Use the spacer to separate the planks.

With the two U sides all filled up, it"s now time to place them face to face and begin attaching the front planks.

And then, the ones on the back.
The final step is to notch out the corners of the board for the bottom of the planter, using the jig saw.

As soon as they were assembled, I gave them a coat of Thompson"s WaterSeal Wood Stain - Traditional brown. I love it. It"s so easy!

The special Christmas touch was done by adding a deer silhouette. You can find the reindeer free printable right HERE.

I cut the image out of Contact paper, set them on the planters and spray painted it.
I had a bit of a hard time because the Contact paper didn"t adhere that well onto the wood. I had to press the edges of the design firmly and very quickly spray paint it.

I love the difference the stain and the deer design created on the plain wooden planters.

Here"s a sneak peek of my front porch with my beautiful planters adorning it! :)

You can check the whole Christmas Front Porch right HERE!
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","discussion":{"numPages":1,"provider":"Blogspot","confidence":1,"diffbotUri":"discussion|3|1001382317","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","numPosts":22,"type":"discussion","title":"DIY - Wooden Planters","posts":[{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 07:07:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Beck Campbell","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/17456474691045768119","diffbotUri":"post|3|876542906","html":"LOVE...dang it...now I have to make something for the holidays...lol! Christmas doesn"t come out here until the day after Thanksgiving. While many are scampering around town trying to grab Black Friday deals, I am at home listening to Christmas music and decking the halls! And Brian and Matt are usually hanging off the roof cursing the lights...lol!
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":0,"text":"LOVE...dang it...now I have to make something for the holidays...lol! Christmas doesn"t come out here until the day after Thanksgiving. While many are scampering around town trying to grab Black Friday deals, I am at home listening to Christmas music and decking the halls! And Brian and Matt are usually hanging off the roof cursing the lights...lol!","type":"post"},{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 14:17:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Cristina Garay","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/16229690505771934030","diffbotUri":"post|3|-2040613231","html":":) Thanks Beck! I"m planning on having my home ready for Christmas as soon as December arrives, that way I can really enjoy the holiday. Last year I was on decorating mode one week before Christmas, it wasn"t fun.
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":1,"text":":) Thanks Beck! I"m planning on having my home ready for Christmas as soon as December arrives, that way I can really enjoy the holiday. Last year I was on decorating mode one week before Christmas, it wasn"t fun.","type":"post","parentId":0},{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 09:53:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Sheila DelCharco","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/05941618803432840875","diffbotUri":"post|3|468446398","html":"I love the planter! I think I"ll skip the reindeer and keep it plain so I can use it year round! Or wait! I could add a velcro circle to the front and then add a shape for different holidays! Hmmmm...
Thanks for sharing!
Sheila @ Making the Most of Every Day
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":2,"text":"I love the planter! I think I"ll skip the reindeer and keep it plain so I can use it year round! Or wait! I could add a velcro circle to the front and then add a shape for different holidays! Hmmmm...Thanks for sharing!
Sheila @ Making the Most of Every Day","type":"post"},{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 14:10:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Cristina Garay","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/16229690505771934030","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1473107025","html":"
Thanks Sheila! For my front porch, the reindeer on one side it"s not going to be a problem. I"ll just turn the planters around a voila, no reindeer to be seen! :)
The Velcro sounds like a good option too!
The Velcro sounds like a good option too!","type":"post","parentId":2},{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 14:25:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Sheila DelCharco","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/05941618803432840875","diffbotUri":"post|3|652140175","html":"
How silly of me! Duh! Of course you can just turn them around! I talked my dad into making them for me. He likes having little projects to work on. I"ll give you creds when he"s done with them.
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":4,"text":"How silly of me! Duh! Of course you can just turn them around! I talked my dad into making them for me. He likes having little projects to work on. I"ll give you creds when he"s done with them.","type":"post","parentId":2},{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 11:16:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Jaime Costiglio","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/10768343898567512080","diffbotUri":"post|3|-883128806","html":"Cristina love this! So simple yet effective and perfect understated holiday decor.
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":5,"text":"Cristina love this! So simple yet effective and perfect understated holiday decor.","type":"post"},{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 13:49:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Vel Criste","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/07296838254480885046","diffbotUri":"post|3|926045606","html":"Love it Cristina, you are simply amazing!!
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":6,"text":"Love it Cristina, you are simply amazing!!","type":"post"},{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 19:09:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Pamela","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/18283260830637529760","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1711550038","html":"What a great project for the winter months ahead! I adore the planter.
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":7,"text":"What a great project for the winter months ahead! I adore the planter.","type":"post"},{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 20:18:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"NanaDiana","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/14298962791700019785","diffbotUri":"post|3|1878666657","html":"You are so flipping clever I can"t stand it! You are just THAT GIRL that can do anything you set your mind to do...I"d kind of hate you if I didn"t like you so much! lol That turned out AMAZING and I can"t wait to see the whole porch! Great job, Cristina!!! xo Diana
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":8,"text":"You are so flipping clever I can"t stand it! You are just THAT GIRL that can do anything you set your mind to do...I"d kind of hate you if I didn"t like you so much! lol That turned out AMAZING and I can"t wait to see the whole porch! Great job, Cristina!!! xo Diana","type":"post"},{"date":"Tue, 10 Nov 2015 21:30:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Cristina Garay","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/16229690505771934030","diffbotUri":"post|3|-749920186","html":"Diana, You just made my evening! I was working in the garage all day long, feeling tired.... As soon as I checked my e-mails this is the first to be opened and a big smile appears on my face! :)
It was all worth it!
Thanks my dear friend, you"re the best!
It was all worth it!
Thanks my dear friend, you"re the best!","type":"post","parentId":8},{"date":"Wed, 11 Nov 2015 04:36:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Chatfield Court","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/08708231701455917120","diffbotUri":"post|3|20238600","html":"
Love this! Such a great idea.
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":10,"text":"Love this! Such a great idea.","type":"post"},{"date":"Thu, 12 Nov 2015 22:30:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Katie Mansfield","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/00016424092009814488","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1740957262","html":"This is just the cutest! I envy your skills with power tools.
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":11,"text":"This is just the cutest! I envy your skills with power tools.","type":"post"},{"date":"Fri, 13 Nov 2015 19:08:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Julie @ followyourheartwoodworking","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/12186806888262891917","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1837927292","html":"Great job, Christina, I bet your front porch is fabulous!
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":12,"text":"Great job, Christina, I bet your front porch is fabulous!","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 14 Nov 2015 07:55:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Karen Aber Ploransky","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/01801260768463782510","diffbotUri":"post|3|1301414098","html":"You just helped me figure out what to do with some of my pallet wood! What a great idea!
Karen- The Decorated Nest
Karen- The Decorated Nest","type":"post"},{"date":"Sun, 15 Nov 2015 10:01:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Katie Nathey","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/03188293054240605431","diffbotUri":"post|3|1695410764","html":"
I love how you customized the planter for Christmas and can"t wait to see the rest of your porch!
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":14,"text":"I love how you customized the planter for Christmas and can"t wait to see the rest of your porch!","type":"post"},{"date":"Mon, 16 Nov 2015 19:32:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Brooke Stephens","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/01851190201511118218","diffbotUri":"post|3|297296401","html":"Love these. I have to make some for my porch. Thank you so much for sharing.
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":15,"text":"Love these. I have to make some for my porch. Thank you so much for sharing.","type":"post"},{"date":"Thu, 19 Nov 2015 05:28:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Najmul Hasan","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/09881595702764696030","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1618295904","html":"Thank you for the “real life” photos. And all the beautiful ones too. We need both. visit my site
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":16,"text":"Thank you for the “real life” photos. And all the beautiful ones too. We need both. visit my site","type":"post"},{"date":"Thu, 19 Nov 2015 19:20:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"es","author":"Angélica D","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/16950746987314424362","diffbotUri":"post|3|1558547295","html":"Que bonito ese macetero navideño ! Me gusta mucho el dibujo de reno que le pintaste !!
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":17,"text":"Que bonito ese macetero navideño ! Me gusta mucho el dibujo de reno que le pintaste !!","type":"post"},{"date":"Mon, 07 Dec 2015 23:21:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Maria M. Details Blog","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/06607045419011532009","diffbotUri":"post|3|2085336818","html":"How cute! What a fun, rustic way to decorate your front door for Christmas. And I love the little deer print on the planter. Makes it extra fun. ;-)
","pageUrl":"http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html","id":18,"text":"How cute! What a fun, rustic way to decorate your front door for Christmas. And I love the little deer print on the planter. Makes it extra fun. ;-)","type":"post"},{"date":"Wed, 09 Dec 2015 19:56:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Marlene Detierro","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/09035816972520443608","diffbotUri":"post|3|-32659154","html":"Such a cool way to repurpose materials, Cristina! It looks awesome!
Informative URL for Kent Auto Repair Information
Informative URL for Kent Auto Repair Information","type":"post"},{"date":"Tue, 19 Jan 2016 14:46:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"adrienne","authorUrl":"https://www.blogger.com/profile/04186554190206944345","diffbotUri":"post|3|1827426869","html":"
The shrub
Adrienne, yes, the shrub is in another pot.
Original article and pictures take http://www.remodelandolacasa.com/2015/11/wdnptrs.html site
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