How fun is our chalkboard serving tray guys!? These are great for entertaining, centerpieces and they also make great gifts! Check out our video on how to make your own here!
We purchased a 2×12 framing board from Home Depot. It was about $13 and we are able to make 3 trays! We used a 10″ sliding compound miter saw to cut these. If you don’t have a saw, you can have your hardware store make these cuts for you!
First step… Stain your board! We used Provincial by Varathane for ours.
Because we are staining such a small piece, we just used wiping cloths to apply our stain and wipe off the excess.
Just give the exposed wood a coat of it.
You can have so much fun with this part! We used simple rustic pulls, but you can change yours up to fit your taste or give it a different look!
Thanks for stopping by!
Be sure to check out the video on YouTube!
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Love it!!! Could you create a rotating dvd stand. We have probably 700 DVDs and I would like to put them on a rotating stand. The ones that I had before broke down on my last move
see moreLove Love this tray! Would be a fun and easy project! thank you!
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Original article and pictures take http://www.shanty-2-chic.com/2016/08/diy-chalkboard-serving-tray-tutorial-youtube-video.html site
Thanks for sharing this, Just read and found it helpful.
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