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Step 3: Assembling

You assemble the 1 layer to the stock but not the lever. (2. layer) with glue and maybe a couple of screws for the non-moving parts. Important. If you use screws, place them close to the middle so that you will still be able to rasp the stock into a nice round shape without hitting the screws...
The thickness of the lever has to be reduced just a little with sanding paper, so it will move smoothly. Then you attach some screws or otherwise carve two hooks to attach the rubber band to.
Drill a 6 mm hole in the turning center of the lever, then attach it to the stock/1-layer piece with a screw. You do it from the outside and the screw must be long enough to pass through the entire thickness of the rifle. (I actually sanded the screw down to mach the
Step 4: Paint it

Well after rasping and final sanding, you are set to paint the gun. Important. Don"t paint the moving parts. They might get stuck! You can use a black speed marker to draw some accenting lines to enhance or "make up" details if you like...
Just a layer of varnish and you are ready to make a little boy or girl the proud owner of a western rifle... Have fun.
Original article and pictures take http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-wooden-toy-Winchester-rifle/ site
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