Hello Friends!
Today, I would like to go back and continue the Topic of "How to make a table saw" that I mentioned under the link:
Today, we are going to make the components supporting table
saws include: splitter, guard, anti-kickback pawls.
I have made a video describing the process of making the components above, you can see here:
Step 1: Make the Splitter.

You need to use a plate steel with size of about 200mm x
300mm x 2.5mm, then used the saw to cut steel plate under the parasols and the desired shape.
Design your spliter core holding Guard and anti-kickback Pawls.

You continue to use the plate steel to cut the line with
two-dimensional shape with serrated saws wood downwind. The wood-aliasing helps embryos move in one direction only, to avoid being shocked by the impact of the blade.

You can use the Mica (Acrylic) to make Guard, make
sure that increased aesthetics. Here, I use about 8mm thickness Mica.
Guard has been designed to be able to latch mounting Splitter easily.

I used screw types to link the components together and paired with table saws. Split tongue is attached to the saw table through a right angle and easily removable fasteners through.
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Original article and pictures take http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Table-Saw-Anti-KickBack-for-DIY-Tabl/ site
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