The inspiration for the shelves are the Kenwood Bookshelves from Restoration Hardware.
I spent about $60 in wood and screws for each bookcase, which was pretty good considering they are solid wood and fit the specifications I needed. I followed Ana’s instructions exactly when it came to building but here was my cut list. CUT LIST FOR 83 1/2″ HEIGHT 2 – 1×12 @ 80 3/4″ (sides)
4 – 1×2 @ 11 1/4″ (side trim)
4 – 2×2 @ 82 3/4″ (legs)
4 – 2×2 @ 21 1/2″ (top supports and bottom shelf trim)
6 – 1×12 @ 21 1/2″ (shelves)
10 – 1×2 @ 21 1/2″ (shelf trim)
6 – 1×3 @ 26″ (top)
7 – 3 1/2″ wide planking or 1x4s @ 80″ long (back) For those of you who build and don’t have a Kreg Jig it is a must have. You can get the basic one for about $100. It certainly made making this bookshelf so much easier than it could have been.
This is my third ‘build-from-scratch’ project I have done. I did the Laundry Dresser and the Raised Cedar Garden Boxes. I will say each time you learn something new and it gets easier and easier. The second bookshelf was better than the first.
Next I tried that tea/vinegar stain combo. It was really strange but it was fun to try
Then I soaked a bunch of overnight. Then I painted over the tea with the vinegar/steel wool combo. It immediately turned into an ashy gray/brown stain. I thought it was pretty cool.
Then I took a hammer, nails, and sandpaper to it to add some character. My friend absolutely loves them and they look perfect in the spot we have them in her living room. Do you have the building bug? Check out some more of the builds I have done… Built-in Mudroom Lockers
*This post contains affiliate links.
Original article and pictures take http://www.infarrantlycreative.net/2012/09/how-to-make-bookshelves.html site
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