I didn"t take a bunch of photos of this because I wasn"t thinking of posting it as an Instructable, but after scanning through some of the "tables I thought I"d show how I conceal my pistol.
We had acquired a cpouple of church pews from a freind and after a lot of hints from my wife
After a lot of sanding, and I mean alot, I fastened a cleat to the headboard and the other cleat to the wall. I added a couple of 2x6"s on each side, cut to the desired angle, to get the pitch neaded when installed.
Having everything done I had a thought on how I could conceal my pistol. I came up with a simple wood holder made from scraps of oak, you never throw anything out, right?
I also made two slots to hold my clips, just because I could.
When installed on the bedroom wall you can"t see anything because it sets back just far enough to be hidden well but easily accessible when/if needed.
Original article and pictures take http://www.instructables.com/id/Conceal-pistol-on-Headboard/ site
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