Take a look at these garage storage and organization ideas so that you can easily and quickly get things in good order. Make the most of your garage’s storage space without hiring professionals to build custom garage solutions for you. With a few supplies from your local hardware store or recycled materials, you can maximize the storage space offered by this versatile area.
Sliding Storage on Garage Ceiling. Grab your plastic pins and build a simple system for hanging them in the garage. Get all that stuff up and out of the way and into unclaimed space near your garage ceiling. source
Garage Ceiling Drawers. Make best of hanging storage between the ceiling joists. Swing down the drawers to be available while working, and out of the way when done working. source
Garage Ceiling Lattice. Hangs scrap sections of plastic lattice to store everything from lengths of molding to fishing poles. Because of the open design of the lattice, you can quickly see the items stored overhead and has easy access to them. source
Magnetic Mini Storage on Wall. Create a wall organizer with cups, some glue and some magnetic strips. Keep all the little screws, earplugs, nuts and washers organized. source
Garage Overhead Clamp Rack. Short lengths of PVC pipe held in the rack serve as compartments to store each clamp individually. By lining the pipes up side by side, have easy access to the exact size of clamp needed. source
Tape Dispenser. Get fed up with rooting through a drawer to find the duct tape you want? Create a dispenser that mounts to the wall and keeps your tapes organized. source
Storage Between the Studs. Utilize the space between the studs to keep things organized. A few bungee cords hung on studs gives you a great place to store all sorts of sports equipment. source
Hang Jars Under Shelves. Screw the jar lids into the wooden shelf that sits above the work top, and then screw the jar onto the mounted lid. Keep nails, screws and other small items out of the way and pretty organized. source
Create Recycle Bin Hangers. Recycling bins can take up way too much floor space in the garage. Create these hangers on the wall, and make each one easy to access and remove, instead of having them stacked on top of each other. source
PVC Pipes Storage Pockets for Skinny Things. Screw PVC pipes to a board to hold paint brushes, pencils, stir sticks. A great idea for a number of organizational needs: in the garage, the office, or for your craft space. source
Peg Board Slides. Use peg board slides to store your tools vertically under the counter. Those small holes allow you to select specific areas for each hook or basket and ensure you have enough room for each item. source
Original article and pictures take http://hative.com/clever-garage-storage-and-organization-ideas/ site
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