I’ve seen these painted and distressed mason jar bathroom storage and accessories sets on Etsy for the past year or so and have to admit I’ve been intrigued …
My first concern has been durability. Especially if you’re using craft paint. It’s water soluble. And even with a top clear coat, I worried that they finish would eventually wash off. Or peel off. Which has made me reluctant to try my hand at creating this mason jar bathroom storage set …
and sharing it with you!
But all that changed when I was introduced to Amy Howard’s One Step paint (which, by the way, I found at my neighborhood Ace Hardware store). Now, I’ll admit the finish isn’t permanent permanent. But it’s much more durable than craft paint. Especially after you give it a clear sealant coat.
Mason Jar Bathroom Storage & Accessories Set DIY
Paint Brush
Give your jars two coats of Amy Howard One Step Paint in your choice of color; let dry completely between coats.
After the second coat dries overnight, distress the raised lettering on the mason jar. I use 80 grit sandpaper.
Finish it with two coats of a matte finish sealant. This is my go to product that I found at Michael’s.
For the toothbrush holder, I used a mason jar
For the soap dispenser, I purchased the lid converter kit from an Etsy shop (I purchased it from a shop called Martin & Company which you can find by clicking here).
And that’s it. The smallest jar is a 4 oz. quilted jelly jar. The cotton balls are in one of Ball’s Elite Collection jars (1/2 pint).
And now I have a pretty and stylish storage and organization solution for my bathroom!
And I have a book filled with mason jar crafts for kids. Click here for more …
*affiliate links included.
Original article and pictures take http://masonjarcraftslove.com/mason-jar-bathroom-storage-accessories/?m site
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