I’ve spent most of this week feeling pretty swamped and miserable - I have an essay due next week as well as plenty of other work to do and it just felt like regardless of how hard I worked, I was still behind schedule!
however, I really knuckled down this weekend and I’m now feeling much more on top of things. really feel like I know where my essay is going after today which is SUCH a great feeling! so I thought I’d spend the last few hours before I went home to make dinner before choir practice with a little (very early) christmassy treat - salted caramel cappuccino with sparkly gold sprinkles! I’m easily pleased ✨☕️ I might be a summer baby but autumn and winter are my favourite times of year!
I took the photo on the left a few days ago but it could have been taken pretty much any day recently - the library’s become my second home of late! it’s only week 5 but there’s already so much to do. reading, presentations, more readings, essays, even more reading…oh, and dissertation research too! 😴
I love my degree & I’m finding it more interesting than ever but I’m also feeling pretty stressed out by it all right now - turns out being a finalist is pretty tough, who knew! trying to stay sane with the occasional Gilmore Girls episode and coffee breaks with friends ☕️ I’ve got this!
Classes start on Monday so I’m back in my favourite coffee shop, trying to do a little reading to prepare and get back into the swing of things. I don’t feel ready to be a third year but I’m looking forward to getting back into studying after a pretty relaxed summer!
Time for some serious studying! About to prepare for a German test I have tomorrow 👓
Starting with some reading for my class on Ancient Sexualities. Very pleased to be back at it again ☺️
So I actually forgot what day of the 100 days of productivity I was on… so… there goes that! Let’s see… I recently studied in the University of Michigan law library which was productive bc it was so quiet. Afterwards I went to go get some pie at a local coffee shop. I pretty much finished my junior year of hs which is odd to me, but I have no time to feel startled because I have to study for SAT subject tests and apply to universities.
ALSO! I’M GOING TO THE GOT7 FLY IN CHICAGO CONCERT! If anyone else is going to that concert….MESSAGE ME! I was planning to make a little meet up before the concert, so if you are going… feel free to message me so we can fangirl together!
Committing studyblr crime by working on my bed but I’m exhausted and it’s a Sunday oops. Writing an essay for English and highkey losing motivation do tryna find some inspirational quotes to keep me going so I don’t lose my mind. Oh well my midliners finally came after a month of waiting but it was soooooo worth it they have no exaggeration changed my life I feel replenished. And I love my fluffy socks a lot
Finally got my ass out of the house to get some work done.
Original article and pictures take http://setwidethewindow.tumblr.com/ site
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