суббота, 17 марта 2018 г.

Jamaica Cottage Shops Writer’s HavenCabin and Others For Sale

Jamaica Cottage Shops Writer’s Haven-Cabin and Others- For Sale

I was talking to Domenic Mangano who heads up the Jamaica Cottage Shop in Vermont, and he mentioned that they were in the process of selling a good number of their display-model cabins, sheds, and outbuildings from now until 1/31/11. They’re also celebrating their 15 year anniversary.

Their Writer’s Haven cabin is one of my favorite models, and is now up for sale for only $7200.00.

This Vermont Cottage is on sale for under

To anyone from that area (and beyond- they DO sell plans for all their models) it might be worth a look- even if just to drool/grab some ideas for your own future retreat or tiny house/home designs.

You can check them out at http://www.jamaicacottageshop.com

Meanwhile, we’re gearing up for our next shoot for “Tiny Yellow House” TV- which should be interesting, seeing as I’m sick as heck right now, and still have some building to do! Did I mention that I do all my construction outside? -Better yet- today in MA it was -25 degrees with the wind chill. Not fun.

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John Osorio Buck’s Shelter-Art…The Utopia Eight/Ikea Camper

John Osorio Buck’s Shelter-Art…The Utopia Eight/Ikea Camper

I randomly found this guy through a google offshoot link and really dig his eye/style/shelter work- he’s based out of Cambridge, MA (Small world!- I’m like 12 miles from there) and I’d love to get an interview down with him at some point perhaps.

Check out some of these shots from his gallery- you can check out more at http://www.johnosoriobuck.com

The Bare Bones of Utopia Eight

utopia 8

A Pretty Cool Design- John has these available as t-shirts on his site…

AND yet another micro-structure from J.O.B…..

jonhn osario 2

john osario 3

jonhn osario 2

-Derek “Deek” Diedricksen

John Osorio Buck’s Shelter-Art…The Utopia Eight/Ikea Camper

I randomly found this guy through a google offshoot link and really dig his eye/style/shelter work- he’s based out of Cambridge, MA (Small world!- I’m like 12 miles from there) and I’d love to get an interview down with him at some point perhaps.

Check out some of these shots from his gallery- you can check out more at http://www.johnosoriobuck.com

The Bare Bones of Utopia Eight

A Pretty Cool Design- John has these available as t-shirts on his site...

AND yet another micro-structure from J.O.B…..

jonhn osario 2

john osario 3

jonhn osario 2

All in all, as wild as these displays and concepts are, as with any structure, there’s something to be taken from, in terms of ideas for tiny living, space efficiency, tiny house design ideas, and general micro-architecture approaches. In this case, we’re also given some good ideas in terms of portability (and even more so with the additional works in John’s portfolio).

-Derek “Deek” Diedricksen

Another CLIFFHANGER of a cabin- Parasitic Living/Cabins/Tiny Homes…

Gawk, point, laugh, take it in, dig it, build it, print it and fold it into a paper swan, whatever….the explanation’s below…

The "Cliffhanger" Cabin- Design and sketch by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

I Sketched this one the other night for possible inclusion in another book down the road- who knows…. I now have a HUGE stack of “unreleased” sketches, cabin and small house design concepts, and more- so its only a matter of time before I do SOMETHING with them- aside from my other new version of “Humble Homes..”- out Fall 2011- via The Lyons Press…(some I might release as a free micro-book/advance, to those who attend our summer workshop). Email me if interested- kidcedar@gmail.com

Anyway, while I’ve recently been sketching some ideas/plans of treehouse-vacation-shelters/studios, and micro ground-cabins to serve as project proposals for THAT Relaxshacks.com 2011 New England (MA) Hands-On Micro-Shelter Workshop, this one’s NOT along those lines (I needed a mental break I suppose). This sketch is part of a series of designs I have waiting in the wings on “Parasitic Dwelling” (tentative/eventual title)- the attaching and squeezing in (on/under/above) of housing in places otherwise thought impossible. Land- they ain’t makin’ any more of it- so who knows, someday, bizarre ideas like this just may have to come into play….

-Derek “Deek” Diedricksen

Also- coming soon I believe, via http://tinyhouseblog.com – a guest post/interview I did with Bryan Lowe- a Seattle Shantyboat builder/enthusiast. Bryan has a wealth of knowledge on the subject, and a great guy, so be sure to check it out over in Kent’s world.

Original article and pictures take http://relaxshax.wordpress.com/2011/01/24/jamaica-cottage-shops-writers-haven-cabin-and-others-for-sale/ site


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