I-Beam Design Pallet House Home Improvement Recycled Pallets I-Beam Design Pallet House Home Improvement Recycled Pallets I-Beam Design Pallet House Home Improvement Recycled Pallets I-Beam Design Pallet House Home Improvement Recycled Pallets
fromdoctopdf.com I-Beam Design Pallet House Home Improvement Recycled Pallets I-Beam Design Pallet House Home Improvement Recycled Pallets I-Beam Design Pallet House Home Improvement Recycled Pallets
Prototype built for Prince Charles Royal Gardens in conjunction with IBM, The Financial Times, and The Earth Awards. - LONDON, UK. 2010
This shelter was designed for refugees in Kosovo, back in 2006. Now it is being developed by i-beam design for use as inexpensive and efficient low-cost
housing not only for people displaced by natural disasters but also as a solution for affordable pre-fab housing. In most cases in a disaster relief effort, many of the pallets will arrive as part of the transportation of food and materials; so the basic materials are there already. The shelters can be built by hand at a rate of 500-600 pallets per day. One transitional housing is measuring 10’ x 20’ would take 80 pallets to build and cost approximately $500. Original article and pictures take http://www.recyclart.org/2011/01/i-beamdesign-pallet-house/ site
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