A quick-and-dirty sawhorse that"s rock-solid
Framing carpenters usually build these horses when they show up at a job site. They leave them behind for the other subcontractors to use, then build new ones at their next job. It"s not unusual for the new homeowner to inherit a pair and hold on to them for years.
Features: Inexpensive, easy to build, super strong
Cost: $12 each
Time: 10 to 15 minutes each (using a pneumatic nail gun)
Skill level: Beginner
Discover how to build a sawhorse work table that's easy to set up and take apart. With standard wood and tools, you can make this simple, portable sawhorse table in an hour or two. And you'll appreciate the simplicity and sturdiness. You can mount tools on this work table, use it to make long cuts and much more.
Here's a design that's been around for a hundred years—maybe longer. It's low, so you can use your knee to hold down your work. The compound miters make this one a little trickier to build than the others, but if you take one component at a time and label them as you go, in a couple of hours you'll have a pair of sawhorses that your own grandkids will be proud to replicate someday.
We simplified this one a little bit. On the version Ken made, the legs are mortised into the edge of a non-tapered top board. To make this horse, you need one 8-ft. 2x6 and two 8-ft. 1x6s.
Features: Inexpensive, elegant, light, stackable, strong
Cost: $12 each
Time: one hour each
Skill level: Intermediate
Top: Cut the top to length first, then taper the edges on a table or circular saw. All the angles on this horse are 13 degrees. (If you're the superstitious sort, cut your angles at 12.99 degrees.)
Legs: It helps to cut the legs close to their actual size beforehand so you can hold them up and visualize the direction of the cut and the orientation of the bevel. After cutting the legs to size, reset your circular saw to 90 degrees and taper the legs. Mark the taper line 3-1/2 in. over on the bottom of the leg up to the bottom of the gusset. Lay the top board upside down on a flat surface and attach each leg with three 2-in. screws.
Gussets: Trim
A folding sawhorse with a built-in shelf
Some sawhorses have a shelf and some fold up, but Jeb's design combines both features. And he's right—these horses are fun to build. To make a pair, you'll need a 4 x 4-ft. sheet of 3/4-in. plywood, one 8-ft. 2x6, one 8-ft. 2x4, two 12-ft. 2x4s and eight hinges.
Features: Foldable, includes a shelf, fun to build
Cost: $40 each
Time: One hour each
Skill level: Beginner to intermediate
Legs: After cutting the top 2x6 to length, cut both sides of each leg at a 15-degree angle. Make sure the angles are parallel. Fasten hinges to the ends of two of the legs, then attach those legs by fastening the hinges to the top piece. Attach the other two legs with 3-in. screws.
Shelf: Cut the 2x4 that supports one side of the shelf. Mark a line 8 in. up from the bottom of the leg, line up the bottom of the 2x4 with that line, and attach it with two 3-in. screws on each side. Cut the shelf to size and notch the two corners using a jigsaw. Fasten the hinges to the shelf, then use two 11-1/8-in. blocks of wood to temporarily hold the shelf in place while you fasten the hinged side of the shelf to the legs. Cut a 23-3/4-in. x 1-1/2-in. strip of plywood to overlap the 2x4 shelf brace. Attach it with wood glue and 1-1/4- in. screws. You may have to trim it a bit before fastening.
Jeb, a Field Editor from Fairport, NY, is a chiropractor by trade. When he's not busy adjusting spines, you can find him assembling wine racks for his friends and family (probably using his favorite sawhorses).
These metal foldable horses can be hung on a wall or stacked in a corner. And if you have to drag horses from one job to another, these are the ones for you. But be careful not to pinch a finger folding them up.
Travis is particularly fond of the EBCO brand—he claims to own a dozen of them.
Features: Inexpensive, foldable, strong
Cost: $18 each, plus the cost of the top board
We asked our Field Editors to pick their favorite sawhorse, and the most popular by far was the FatMax. The top has notches, making it a great place to hold sacrificial 2x4s when you're cutting up plywood and other sheet goods. Each leg is adjustable, which is pretty handy when you're working on uneven ground. They have a built-in shelf and fold up relatively flat, making them perfect for storing on the wall.
Features: Foldable, includes a shelf, adjustable legs
Cost: $37 each
Original article and pictures take http://www.familyhandyman.com/carpentry/sawhorse-plans/view-all site
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