Simple picture frame clamp holder
Making your own picture frames allows you the freedom to create custom picture frames for a home. This simple picture frame clamp holder makes the project even easier.
Over the years I have made hundreds of picture frames, whether for our DIY workshops, for my own home, or for the www.Home-Dzine.co.za website. I have come across many different ways to hold the mitred corners in place, either using strap clamps like I did with my photo frame, or using fancy home made templates - most of which are a mission to cut.
I wanted an easy way to hold the mitred corners perfectly aligned while the glue dries and came up with this very simple solution that can be done with a single offcut of timber of board. All you need is a carpenter"s square or steel corner to use as a guide for cutting perfect 45-degree cut outs.
Mark the cut out and remove with a jigsaw. The lines need to be perfectly straight in order to ensure that your mitred corners are also perfect.
This method
Also find more projects on www.Home-Dzine.co.za
Original article and pictures take http://www.instructables.com/id/Easy-picture-frame-clamp/ site
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