I’ve included post affiliate links in the supply list to make it easier for you to purchase what you need.
Eight 8′ 2×4 boards
Four 1/2″ diameter, 12″ long bolts
Six 1/2″ diameter, 8″ long bolts
***I have had several people comment that 12″ and 8″ bolts are too long. They do stick out a bit so you may want to take a look at the photo that shows how to hang the hammock for an up close view of the bolts. Then determine if you want to use shorter bolts.***
Ten 1/2″ nuts
Measuring tape
or and 1/2″
If you are searching for THE perfect hammock, you can find
On two other 8′ boards, drill holes 4″ from one end and line them up like the picture, below. Use a small scrap piece of wood for a spacer (drill hole through it). Bolt through all 5 pieces of wood with a 12″ bolt and secure with a nut and washer. Don’t overtighten the bolts at this point because you need to be able to swivel the boards.
When possible, get little helpers. Little boys are eager to help. My girl, however, was more interested in the latest app on the phone. Here is little man helping pound the bolt through.
This is how it should look after both sides are done. Lay out your to determine what the angle of the boards need to be to fit your
Use a template to get the same angle on each end. You can print out a protractor online. Our angle was 120.

Once you get the angle you need, cut another 8′ board in half to make a brace for each end. Use 2 spacers for each brace and secure with 12″ bolts through the spacer and an 8″ bolt on the “arm”. The picture below also shows the “feet” attached as well which is detailed in the next step.
Cut an 8′ board in half for the “feet”. Tip the hammock stand up and screw “feet” in with deck screws.
Put a 8″ bolt through both of the “arms” for hangers. The placement will depend on the size of your hammock. You want the hammock to be about 4′ off the ground. Be sure to leave room for sag. Also install a spacer right below the hanger. Use deck screws to attach spacer. If your hammock doesn’t come with a hanging kit, you can purchase some .
Here is the finished product.
Tighten up all your bolts and hang your hammock. Move hammock to a shady area in the yard, pour yourself a beverage of your choice and relax. Our hammock usually gets hijacked by the kids. But I am going to take a nice long nap in it in a couple weeks when they are both back in school!
Want more outdoor projects? Check these out:
Original article and pictures take http://www.herecomesthesunblog.net/diy-hammock-stand/ site
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